Find Locations by Phone Number of Your Family & Friends

WhereRU is a location-based service that allows you to find the location of your family and friends using their phone number. Download and Try it now!

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Find the location of a family member or friend

Find the location of a family member or friend easily and quickly. Just, send a magic link to the person you want to find.

People on a map

Find a person's location by phone number

There is no need to install the app and it works even if the recipient has any smartphone. Simply send the link generated by this app via SMS, iMessages, or etc.

Find person by phone number

Ask any person in your device's contacts for their location

All they have to do is tap on the request you sent and their location will be sent to you.

People on the device contacts

Get the push notification when they're located

The app also shows you where they are on the map, how far away they are, and gives you directions.

People on a map

What Our Users Says

Users' reviews

The app is very easy to use. I can find out where my son is at this late hour with just one SMS.


I can easily find my boyfriend's location, and it tells me how long it would take me to drive there now.


I've used many other location apps, but I always had to install them on someone else's phone. This app has none of those inconveniences. Recommended.
